5 truths about intimate hair removal while pregnant

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Table of Contents:

  1. 1. Pregnant woman tend to have hair which grow faster and are fuller.
  2. 2. During pregnancy the women becomes more sensitive to pain.
  3. 3. The skin of a pregnant woman can react in irritation even to a cosmetic agent used for a long time.
  4. 4. Depilation of intimate surroundings before birth are better performed at home or in the salon than in the hospital.
  5. 5. Depilation of intimate surroundings before birth is not mandatory.
pregnant hair removal

1. Pregnant woman tend to have hair which grow faster and are fuller.

When the belly grows, hair tend to grow as quickly – in every hairy corner of the woman’s body. The increased pace of hair growth is the result of the action of hormones and development of the capillaries characteristics of the blessed state, meaning those, which get directly to the hair papilla. In the nipple there is a hair bulb with the so-called matrix, that is cells, which mitotically divided cause the hair growth in length. The improved blood flow in turn makes the hair bulb to be reached by more nutrients and life-giving oxygen.

As a result, the matrix cells are regularly divided, and the hair grows healthily and quickly – what is certainly good with respect to the hair on your head, but the lush intimate hairdo for most women is a cause for concern. The time of quick hair growth persists most often for several months after birth – until the hormone levels return to the normal pre-pregnancy state.

2. During pregnancy the women becomes more sensitive to pain.

Indeed: in pregnancy the future mothers experience the pain stimuli more strongly. It is the result of a better blood circulation caused by hormonal changes in the female body. Among other for this reason (and due to the increased risk of rupture of capillaries and bruising) it is not recommended for pregnant women to use stress depilation methods, e.g., soft wax or electric epilator. If the future mom does not like shaving the intimate areas, if her health condition is goo, and the women has done similar treatments before pregnancy, an alternative is a depilation with a natural product friendlier to the skin: sugaring.

3. The skin of a pregnant woman can react in irritation even to a cosmetic agent used for a long time.

The mechanism of the hormonal swing and a better blood circulation is responsible for skin reactions difficult to predict to the applied cosmetic agents. Sometimes it happens that a cream, which has been used by the future mom for a long time for hair removal before pregnancy, suddenly irritates or even causes symptoms of allergy. For this reason, and due to the fact that hair removal creams are chemical mixtures with a usually intense smell, their use for removing excessive hair during pregnancy is not recommended.

4. Depilation of intimate surroundings before birth are better performed at home or in the salon than in the hospital.

Of course, as for the future mother it is a much bigger comfort to get rid of the hair from such an intimate surroundings in the conditions and atmosphere, which satisfy the woman, and not be subjected to shaving in stress, at the last moment, performed in the hospital, most often with a much reduced discretion. Besides, shaving pubic hair in a hurry can only end up damaging the skin – this means tearing of the tissues and opening the path to infections (which are, paradoxically, particularly easy in the health care facilities).

We invite pregnant ladies to depilation before birth to the Easy Waxing salons in Warsaw or in Wroclaw – treatments take place in comfortable conditions and with ensuring such important thing like intimacy.

5. Depilation of intimate surroundings before birth is not mandatory.

Indeed, it is not mandatory, if the routine perineal incision is not used in the clinic, where the baby will be born. In some hospitals doctors still think that the woman giving birth should be smoothly shaved, because the crotch skin without hair is much more easily stitched after birth. However, for the benefit of the performance of the intimate depilation just before the delivery, the strongest argument is the fact of the awareness of the future mother that she is also well groomed in the intimate surroundings, what provides a large mental comfort during labour.

Hair removal while pregnant - part 1

Hair removal while pregnant - part 2

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