Back depilation – just another modern whim?

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Table of Contents:

  1. Methods of depilation
  2. Ouch… It does not hurt! – back depilation without anesthesia

Removing hair from underarms, legs, or bikini by yourself does not require any great skills. However, trying to depilate your own back can – literally - break your back! Someone else’s help is required. So, here we come!

Back depilation – a modern whim?

Good news: back depilation is not obligatory, but if the hair overgrows the body, it does become a necessity mainly for hygienic and aesthetic reasons (which concern women and athletes in the most part.) While some may see lush hair on the torso as a reason for pride, just as lush hair on the back can cause embarrassment.

It is difficult to imagine independent removal of hair from back with the use of a razor, even if equipped with a long handle. All that is left is to count on third party’s help. Professionals who depilate daily (backs also) are the best choice both for men and women – we recommend the teams working at Easy Waxing in Warsaw or in Wrocław.

Methods of depilation

You can depilate your back using one of these available methods:

  • Shaving with a single-use or electric razor – not only does it require someone else’s help, the hair growing back will be rough and scratchy. That means that romantic back stroking on the second day after mechanical depilation might not be the nicest experience.
  • Wax or sugar paste depilation – it is one of the best options for getting rid of unwanted back hair. Despite the big area of interest, the treatment is very quick. Back depilation is not as intimate as a bikini depilation; thus, the feeling of embarrassment is unnecessary. The back, just like any other body part, requires some attention, so it can look beautiful and smooth.
  • Laser treatment – this method is recommended for anyone and everyone, unless there are contraindications. The removal of unwanted back hair through laser treatment is also recommended for those who have dry and flaccid skin, where the use of wax can risk damaging the skin.

Ouch… It does not hurt! – back depilation without anesthesia

The back has a big surface, which serves as a challenge during depilation with wax or sugar paste. Potential clients sometimes decide to quit the treatment, due to their fear of pain. Wrongly so, as in Easy Waxing each of our employees doing the treatment is as delicate as possible, without compromising the treatment’s effects.

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